Wenn der Amtsschimmel wiehert und Gesetzestexte langweilig sind haben wir für dich eine Erklärung parat.

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Abolition of "Kalte Progression"

In simple terms, this means that you pay up to €700 less in income tax per year. But all tax exemptions and tax deductions still apply separately - but you have to apply for them legally with your RelaxTax tax offset at the tax office.

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Additional payment of income tax

If you have had two or more employers in one year or have changed jobs and earn more in your new job, you must make a tax adjustment. This often leads to an additional additional payment because each employer bills individually and cannot take other wages/salary into account. That's what tax law wants - and it's legal. BUT does the additional payment really have to be as high as it seems, or can it be legally reduced? Yes, you can significantly reduce this additional payment through tax exemptions and deductions. RelaxTax will help you with that!

In most cases, there are even smaller tax credits due to the many deduction options such as business expenses, special expenses, AVAB/AEAB or family bonus!

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Alleinerzieherabsetzbetrag AEAB

There are some important tax deductions. Whether you are entitled to this simply depends on your personal and professional situation. Don't worry, you don't have to know everything about these tax deductions. Your RelaxTax tax buddy will find this out with you. With the RelaxTax tax equalization, they are then applied for correctly so that you actually get them - you are entitled to them.

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Alleinverdienerabsetzbetrag AVAB

There are some important tax deductions. Whether you are entitled to this simply depends on your personal and professional situation. Don't worry, you don't have to know everything about these tax deductions. Your RelaxTax tax buddy will find this out with you. With the RelaxTax tax equalization, they are then applied for correctly so that you actually get them - you are entitled to them.

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Annual payslip L16

By law, your company/employer is obliged to tell the tax office every year how much you have earned. So does the tax office know how much I earned as a worker, employee or pensioner? YES, exactly to the cent.

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Arbeitnehmerveranlagung in Austria

With the tax return you have the right to tell the tax office what you can still deduct from your taxes and so that your income tax will be recalculated - with this, and only with this, you have legal certainty that the tax office takes your situation and all applicable tax benefits into account .

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Certified European Management Accountant job profile

Taxes are a sensitive and personal matter. We know this because we have many years of experience, are well trained and continue to educate ourselves every year. RelaxTax and all employees and partners are aware of the responsibility of their work. You don't just become an accountant - there are very strict requirements to be able to pursue such a profession. The core of our work is special trustworthiness! There are only good reasons why you can trust RelaxTax. We know the value of the trust you place in RelaxTax.

At RelaxTax, we define trust like this: We have to earn YOUR trust with our service for your tax settlement!

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Earn extra money as an employee or pensioner in Austria

Are you an employee/worker or pensioner and have additional income from self-employment or business? If your additional income is not more than €730 per year, you do not have to report this to the tax office or include it in your tax offset. The €730 is the income=the profit. You can deduct expenses from your income and then a flat rate of 15% as a basic allowance. If the calculated amount is less than €730, you don't have to pay tax or declare anything.

Example: Income €1,000, expenses for materials and travel costs €200 = €800 and deduct 15% of the flat-rate basic allowance (€120) = €680 Income/profit -> is less than €730, so you don't have to pay tax on it.

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Einkommensteuerbescheid (Income Tax Notice)

As with many other official channels, the tax office also issues a notice after you have made a RelaxTax tax adjustment - it is then called an income tax notice... and is the legally binding document about your income tax credit!

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Familienbonus Plus

The most important tax deduction if you have children. The tax bonus is now €2,000 per child. But you will only get it if you apply for it absolutely correctly. One wrong “checkmark” or not correct information in the wrong place and you may not get the bonus right away. The RelaxTax app makes it very easy for you and ensures that your tax compensation is properly sent to the tax office and that you get what you are entitled to.

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Finanzamt Austria

RelaxTax is available to you 24/7/365 on your smartphone. You don't have to be on hold at the tax office during your working hours or take half a day of vacation for an appointment there. If you ever have a question, just write us an email.

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You don't need access to FinanzOnline for your doing your tax return with RelaxTax - RelaxTax is certified european management accounting company recognized by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. So we are entitled to submit your tax return to the tax office online for you - because we can and because we are allowed to do it!

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Gross and Net Pay

Gross - statutory social insurance - wage tax = take home pay

This is what it looks like with RelaxTax (simple math):

Gross - statutory social insurance - less income tax = more take home pay

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Home office flat rate

You can deduct €3 from your taxes for every day you work from home, up to a maximum of 100 days per year. So in total a maximum of €300. This is intended to cover proportional costs for electricity, internet, etc. You can generate a wage tax credit of up to €140 if you correctly apply for the home office days in the tax offset.

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Lohnsteuerabzug und anrechenbare Lohnsteuer

By law, your employer is obliged to deduct social security and income tax from your gross wages/salary every month and pay it to the tax office on your behalf. However, your employer cannot know that you are a sole earner, want to apply for the family bonus or have something else that you can deduct from your taxes. You then have to tell the tax office with the tax equalization and your wage tax will be recalculated and offset against the wage tax that has already been deducted (creditable wage tax). That’s your tax credit!

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If you earn little, for example because you are an apprentice or work part-time and don't pay income tax, you will get a portion of the social security you paid back from the tax office = negative tax, which can amount to several hundred euros.

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Pensionistenabsetzbetrag PAB

There are some important tax deductions. Whether you are entitled to this simply depends on your personal and professional situation. Don't worry, you don't have to know everything about these tax deductions. Your RelaxTax tax buddy will find this out with you. With the RelaxTax tax equalization, they are then applied for correctly so that you actually get them - you are entitled to them.

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Social Security Number and E-Card

The E-CARD is your social insurance certificate and the social insurance number (SV number) is for all social matters in Austria. As an Austrian citizen, you get it immediately after birth. If you live in Austria you also get one. When you work in Austria for the first time as a worker or employee, you will receive your e-card from your health insurance company. The format of your SV number is XXXX-XXXXXX. So a 4-digit number and your date of birth DDMMYY.

However, the SV number is not your personal tax number with which you can legally submit a tax offset to the tax office. But you can use RelaxTax to find out whether you already have a tax number using your SV number. If not, you have to apply for a tax number once from the tax office - but don't worry, we'll help you!

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Steuernummer, Abgabenkontonummer

With your tax number, RelaxTax can ensure that your tax settlement is submitted to the correct tax office for you.

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Tax Consulting Costs (Sonderausgaben)

In any case, you can deduct the RelaxTax fee from your taxes again next year in the tax equalization and get a large part of it back through your income tax!

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Tax office processing times

With a legally compliant RelaxTax tax adjustment submitted online, processing is much faster - on average less than 1 month!

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Tax return for employees in Austria

With the tax return you have the right to tell the tax office what you can still deduct from your taxes and so that your income tax will be recalculated - with this, and only with this, you have legal certainty that the tax office takes your situation and all applicable tax benefits into account .

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Tax return for pensioners in Austria

With the tax return you have the right to tell the tax office what you can still deduct from your taxes and so that your income tax will be recalculated - with this, and only with this, you have legal certainty that the tax office takes your situation and all applicable tax benefits into account .

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Tax return for workers in Austria

With the tax return you have the right to tell the tax office what you can still deduct from your taxes and so that your income tax will be recalculated - with this, and only with this, you have legal certainty that the tax office takes your situation and all applicable tax benefits into account .

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Teuerungsabsetzbetrag für 2022

Because inflation was so high in 2022, you will receive a cost-of-living allowance of €500 if your income does not exceed €18,200 in 2022.

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Unterhaltsabsetzbetrag UAB

There are some important tax deductions. Whether you are entitled to this simply depends on your personal and professional situation. Don't worry, you don't have to know everything about these tax deductions. Your RelaxTax tax buddy will find this out with you. With the RelaxTax tax equalization, they are then applied for correctly so that you actually get them - you are entitled to them.

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Verkehrsabsetzbetrag VAB

There are some important tax deductions. Whether you are entitled to this simply depends on your personal and professional situation. Don't worry, you don't have to know everything about these tax deductions. Your RelaxTax tax buddy will find this out with you. With the RelaxTax tax equalization, they are then applied for correctly so that you actually get them - you are entitled to them.

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Werbungskosten – Berufsgruppenpauschale Artisten

If you are an employee and an artist, you can deduct up to €2,628 from your taxes. But only if you apply for it correctly. With the help of RelaxTax, that will be a breeze.

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Werbungskosten – Berufsgruppenpauschale Bühnenangehörige, Bühnenschauspieler, Filmschauspieler

If you are an employee and a stage or film actor - then you can deduct up to €2,628 from your taxes. But only if you apply for it correctly with your RelaxTax tax offset!

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Werbungskosten – Berufsgruppenpauschale Expatriates Expats

You are an expat and meet the requirements:

  • Your company from abroad sends you to a subsidiary in Austria to work for a maximum of 5 years

  • You have not lived or worked in Austria for the last 10 years

  • You continue to have your residence abroad

  • You pay taxes in Austria because you are employed here

Then you can deduct up to €10,000 from your taxes each year. But only if you apply for it with your RelaxTax tax offset!

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Werbungskosten – Berufsgruppenpauschale Fernsehschaffende

If you are a television employee and you are seen on television several times a month - then you can deduct up to €3,942 from your taxes. But only if you apply for it correctly. The RelaxTax App can help with that.

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Werbungskosten – Berufsgruppenpauschale Journalisten

If you are an employee and work as a journalist for small or large media - then you can deduct up to €3,942 from your taxes. But only if you apply for it correctly. With RelaxTax you are setup for success!

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Werbungskosten – Berufsgruppenpauschale Stadt-, Gemeinde- oder Ortsvertretung

In addition to your job, you are also politically active locally - You can then deduct up to €2,628 from your taxes. But only if you apply for it correctly. With RelaxTax that is very easy for you.

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Werbungskosten – Berufsgruppenpauschale Vertreter, Handelsvertreter, Sales Agent

If you work in sales and spend more than half of your time in the field, you can deduct up to €2,190 from your taxes. But only if you apply for it correctly. RelaxTax can be a big help for you in this case.

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Das musst du wissenAlles was du wissen musst um RelaxTax wie ein Experte zu nutzen

What can you deduct from the tax?

What if I've never done a tax return before?

What is a tax return?

Do I have to submit a tax return if I am employed?

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  • RelaxTax ist eine von der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKÖ) anerkannte Bilanzbuchhaltergesellschaft.
  • Der Präsident der WKÖ ist das Aufsichtsorgan unseres Berufsstandes. Wir erfüllen somit alle berufs- und gewerberechtlichen Voraussetzungen um dir unseren Service anbieten zu können.
  • Die finale Berechnung und Beurteilung über Steuerguthaben oder -nachforderungen erfolgt ausschließlich durch das zuständige Finanzamt und wird mittels rechtsgültigem Einkommensteuerbescheid festgestellt


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